Captain Sean Maloney

Captain Sean Maloney – ASA Instructor 

Capt. Sean learned to sail in 2001 at the Docklands Sailing Centre in London, where he achieved RYA Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper. Since moving to Portland, Oregon in 2005, he has achieved American Sailing Association (ASA) certifications up to Cruising Catamaran Instructor (214). He also holds a 50 Ton United States Coast Guard Master License and Operator of Uninspected Vessels (OUPV) and has chartered sailboats in the British Virgin Islands, Galveston TX, Newport Beach CA, Olympia WA, Boston MA, San Diego CA and La Paz, Mexico. Capt Sean currently owns a 1979 Cape Dory 27 that he day sails on the Columbia River. Capt Sean says, “I enjoy sailing all kinds of boats and sharing my passion for sailing with my customers and friends.”

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